The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is visiting Denmark and together the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are organising a seminar: Business Opportunities with Asian Development Bank on 24 September 2015. The seminar aims to inform Danish companies about opportunities for involvement in ADB financed projects. The seminar has a special focus on two specific sectors: health and clean energy.
Below you will find some of the background material used in the seminar:
- A Prezi-presentation on the ADB’s new vision for health in 2015-2020 by Dr Susan Roth, Senior Social Development Specialist from the health sector group secretariat.
- Briefing Paper: Health in Asia and the Pacific: In Brief
Klaus Winkel’s history of global health
Pia Pannula 5. March 2015Klaus Winkel, Former Head of Department in Danida, looks back in time and tells the story of Danish involvement in the field of international and global health through his own experiences and engagement.
Download the GHM Invited Commentary: ‘A history of Danish development assistance for global health’.
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